

As soon as they’re on your feet, you can go anywhere!

Their sole, developed in partnership with MICHELIN, adapts to all types of snowy terrain, whether rocky, stony, grassy or icy. You can go from one environment to another without having to take off your shoes.
Walk around on the snow, run in powdery snow,

cross streams, take a break in the warm with a good meal or walk around your ski resort! EVVO adapts to your day in the mountains and not the contrary! With EVVO, you can set off for an adventure and have fun wherever you are!

Boost your Nordic walking with EVVO Walk®!

With EVVO Snowshoes and the EVVO Walk® programme, enjoy Nordic walking all year round!

Are you looking for a “leisure sport” which relaxes and at the same time can improve your physical condition?

Are you already an adept of Nordic walking or fitness and their benefits? Do you want to put away your ski poles when you get to the snow? With EVVO Walk® and EVVO Fit®, you can enjoy accessible, energetic activities in snowy environments.

Where can you go Nordic walking?

You’ll find the same gestures as in Nordic walking, along with:

  • an all-terrain activity, even where there is an unequal covering of snow,
  • an optimised proprioceptive workout using imbalances related to differing types of snow,
  • the pleasure of enjoying activity in the mountains during the snowy period in order to take advantage of a white-out landscape.


(-) constraints = (+) fun!

With EVVO, don't just walk on snow. Just jump! And run! And play! Challenge yourself! A discovery walk in the mountains? A hike towards the summits? Nordic walking? A football match in the snow? Crazy descents in the powder? A snow-yoga session... Who said snowshoeing wasn't fun! EVVO is just as fun and active... as you are!

Where to do EVVO Fit ?

And we're having fun ... with the whole family! EVVOs also come in children's sizes! Even lighter, ShoShibaas are perfect for a first experience of snow. With ShoShibaas, your children will be able to play freely in this new playground.

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Be free in your movements!

With EVVO on your feet, you’re free to move! You don’t need to learn how to get around in the snow: simply walk as though you were wearing shoes. The ergonomic design of the overshoe is certified by podologists for a natural stride.

Enjoy having a supple, fluid stride whatever the terrain, both going up and coming back down. No more need to adjust your shoes during the walk!